Forehead Vulva Channeling Research

By S()fia Braga

04/04/2023 – 22/06/2023

The Forehead Vulva Channeling Research is a speculative transhumanist research which focuses on developing advanced studies on the human body’s potential to reach lifelong emotional well-being via a re-calibration of pleasure-centers by channeling hidden organs through the use of specialized technologies. The purpose of opening the Forehead Vulva is to bring the body to an uninhibited state, and thereby transform it, rediscovering new potentials that humans are still not aware of.
Started as a series of Forehead Vulva Channelers –a specific Augmented Reality specialized technology –, The Forehead Vulva Channeling Research found rapid support and success within centralized social media platforms, consequently creating a spontaneous worldwide online performance.
The project explores the potential of technologies to transmute and shift the perception of the body through digital augmentations by creating new hybrid identities constantly changing, therefore challenging and disrupting standardized ideas on the body and its ways of performing.

This exhibition is a collaboration between Shtatëmbëdhjetë and the Ars Electronica festival, in the framework of one of four themes of Galeria 17, Techne.

About Ars Electronica:

Ars Electronica is a platform working at the intersection of art, technology and society through organizing exhibitions, educational programs, and research projects focused on the future of our societies. Founded in Linz as a festival in 1979, it has since expanded to include a laboratory, an award, and a museum dedicated to the study and promotion of media arts as well as digital culture.