Transhumanist intersecting explorations through art, culture, technology

Living in the context of a digital and hyper-technological society we are witnessing fundamental changes in our relationship to the world – constantly expanding our interactions and thus generating a different perception of reality. At Galeria 17 S()fia Braga has invited us to participate at the exhibition Forehead Vulva Channeling Research, representing different perspectives on the enhancement of the human senses and expanded perception of reality through technology.
In the panel we will explore the potentials of technologies to shift and generate a different perception of reality by putting in question the possibilities of sensory experience in relation to the self and engaging with one another: How do we experience our physical and mental hidden potentials through the use of specialized technologies? Who are we without technological means and do that enhance human existence? Can we imagine the future by using digital technologies including possibilities and challenges they present? Will this future be better approached through transhumanist exploration?

Donjeta Sahatçiu, Deputy Mayor of Prishtina
Mirishahe Syla, Researcher of gender issues and activist
Laureta Hajrullahu, artist
Moderation: Ajete Kërqeli, Shtatëmbëdhjetë