Workshop / Artificial Fabulations into the Future


How can we reimagine the future of technology from a human rights perspective? Within the workshop “Artificial Fabulations into the Future” we will envision speculative narratives by re-thinking human and non-human collaboration, exploring the potential of technology to generate new mythologies.We will briefly explore problematics related to today’s use of technology, with a focus on surveillance capitalism and data extractivism, while demystifying the machine and the algorithm, separating them from the dystopian disposition they have been displayed within; in return recognize that there are actual people who develop and lead the direction of these tools, introducing biases and undermining human-self-determination.We will explore different AI-driven, open-source text to image generators that are available online, such as the Stable Diffusion Web UI and the text to video generator VQGAN, to create compelling machinic visions as visual aids for our collaborative narratives.