you know me so well

Artist: Martina Menegon

03/04/2024 – 07/06/2024

Opening: 03/04/2024, 19:00h

Intimate and complex assemblages of interactive, virtual and extended self-portraits inhabit the exhibition space, inviting the viewers to contemplate the fluidity of identity of our contemporary reality and challenging users to rethink our own existence and relationships with our virtual selves. Particularly, the care for our virtual (and therefore physical) being and the glitch as a liberating practice is at the core of the exhibition “you know me so well”.

Biometric data intertwines with AI generated avatars, prompts reflections on self-care that extend beyond the boundaries of the tangible body – while also hinting at the effect of privacy and data-surveillance for women’s bodies. At the same time, the glitched self-portraits construct disorienting yet palpable experiences, fostering a dialogue on the nature of our hybrid selves and the evolving landscape of self-expression.

The exhibition “you know me so well” urges us to explore the intricate and profound relationship between tangible and digital self-bodies, breaking the boundaries between physical and virtual existence and unraveling the complexities of our contemporary and resilient hybrid selves.

This exhibition is a collaboration between Shtatëmbëdhjetë and the Ars Electronica festival, in the framework of one of four themes of Galeria 17, Techne.

The exhibition is supported by: Kryeqyteti Prishtina, SMART Balkans, Austrian Embassy Pristina, Ambasciata d’Italia a Pristina – Embassy of Italy in Pristina, Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Tirana and Sigma Vienna Insurance Group.