you know me so well – a collaboration between Shtatëmbëdhjetë and Ars Electronica

We are thrilled to inform you that for the second year in a row Shtatëmbëdhjetë is collaborating with Ars Electronica for the upcoming exhibition at Galeria 17, exploring the Techne theme.

Ars Electronica have been analyzing and commenting on the Digital Revolution since 1979. Since 1996, they have been developing projects, strategies and competencies for the Digital Transformation. Together with artists, scientists, technologists, designers, developers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the world, they address the central questions of our future. The focus is on new technologies and how they change the way we live and work together.

Techne, is a series of exhibitions and contributions where artists, scientists and creators meet at the crossroads of technology and art. Techne seeks to align our artists and our community with a broader global discourse on technology and innovation in art and artistic creativity. Various contributors with artistic and scientific background will be invited to share their knowledge and experiences, educating and promoting similar practices among our local community.