The publication “Sitting around a consequence”

You are holding in your hand the summary of six meetings called “Sitting around a consequence”. The meetings precede the opening of the exhibition “In the Making”, which was organized by Shtatëmbëdhjetë at Galeria 17. The installation that was created by DYVO, which is based on the joint work of six meetings, was presented side by side with the instillation of Yll Xhafer called “Groundless”. The installation “Sitting around a consequence” consists of two works: a cube created from 156 used plastic bottles which represents the number of bottles that a single person consumes in a year and notes on collective reflections from meetings that are treated as surrounded artifacts from the cube-shaped glass walls.

The meetings served as moments of reflection where the participants dealt with environmental problems from the most everyday ones such as purchases to the most difficult ones such as the disappearance of biodiversity and the apocalypse. Furthermore, the meetings aimed to reflect on the shifting of responsibility on the scales between the One and the Many. Individual and Collective. Personal and Common. Of the commonality that belongs to us, even if disproportionately, we are forced to share the consequences.

This publication is not just a documentation of what happened. Its pages contain collective work with descriptions of activities that are open to replication as needed by and for other groups.

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